Monday, February 28, 2011

February Photos

Harvey is almost one month old! Amazing how quickly this first milestone came. We really feel like we're getting to know him- what each cry means, what his needs are. I don’t know if i feel this way because he's such a sweet predictable little thing or because we are more confident as parents the second time around. Maybe both. All i know is that we are enjoying and cherishing every single moment. 

On Friday we received Harvey's renal ultrasound and VCUG xray test results. We were thrilled to hear that his kidneys are functioning properly and will not need any follow-up testing!  We're also very happy that my niece, Sahale, is back home recovering quickly after her open-heart surgery she had last Tuesday! 

It took a couple of weeks, but Matilda has really embraced being a big sister. She just loves giving Harvey hugs and kisses, and has also been seen slipping in the occasional hair tug?!?  This past week, she has jumped at any opportunity to help us change or bathe the little guy. It's been great!

Here are a few snapshots from this past month:

1 comment:

  1. What sweet babies! Mine are turned 7, 5, and 3 this year! I'm trying to tell Kolby he is my baby still, but he won't have it! :) Give them lots of love....!
