Monday, July 27, 2009

Happy Baby

Weekend Trip to Michigan

Traveled to southwest Michigan to hike the dunes and drive with mom and dad from one beach town to the next. My favorite spot was a huge bluff in Saugatuck (see below).

Bath Time

One of her favorite things...

Matilda Meets Aunt Nancy

This month Matilda has met several of our friends including her Great Godmother Aunt Nancy (Nate's godmother). She came down from Wisconsin to meet Matilda and we enjoyed our day visiting, lunching and laughing. Fun times! RIP M Jackson.

Two Month Check Up

Today Matilda went in for her two month check up. Her pediatrician reported that she is very healthy and is following the average in weight and height. She now weighs 11 lbs. 6 oz and is 24 inches long. Getting so big! She has had a busy month and has had many changes. We now wake up to a smiling baby who loves to "talk" and giggle. :) Since we have a chance today, we will catch up on some posts. For starters, here is a video of Matilda sitting in the rocker. She loves to rock and kick...and is really good at just looking so darn cute while doing so.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

New Home

Last weekend with the help of many, (thank you Michael and Nancie) we packed up and moved a couple of miles to the Logan Square neighborhood. While it was a lot of work, we are very excited as we settle into our new place. Plus, the wallpaper is finally up!!!!
While we have been spending a lot of our time unpacking, we have also been exploring the new hood. We went to breakfast this morning followed by a stroll through the farmers market. Matilda of course loves going out where all the action is. All week she has been out and about lunching, meeting our friends, and even attended her first party. This girl is quite social. At home, she has been spending much of her time on her activity mat. She absolutely loves looking up into the mirror where she occasionally sees her reflection smiling at her. It is often accompanied by a couple of coo's and giggles.

She seems to be having a great time and we couldn't be having more fun!!

Good Kicker